Friday, February 8, 2013

Getting started with Oracle EBusiness Suite on AWS

Here are the links to get you started with Oracle EBusiness Suite on AWS (EC2 only, RDS not supported):

1. Oracle on AWS FAQ - 
2. Landing page on AWS - 
3. Oracle Amazon Machine Imagines - 
There are Oracle Enterprise Linux, Database and WebLogic AMIs on the AWS web site but you are best to create your own AMI with the OS of your choice and install EBusiness Suite on this base instance. . You can find the latest OEL AMIs, for OEL 5.9 and 6.4, at the bottom of this web page:  
4. EC2 Instances available - 
5. EC2
6. Pricing calculator - 

Key Considerations:
1. Oracle licensing : You bring your own license.  You can not buy a license from AWS. Your Oracle license that you bring or purchase from Oracle can be an Oracle ULA, ELA, or perpetual licenses.  More on licensing can be found here: 
2. The bulk of the AWS cost is composed of EC2 compute, storage (EBS and S3) and network (data transfer out). The pricing calculator above can give you an estimate of AWS cost.
3. Oracle support on AWS : 

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